Kahoot Bot: Spam, Flood & Crash Games

Kahoot hack bot flooder Android and iOS

Use Our Free Kahoot Flooder Bot

Use our free Kahoot bot tool to start crashing games. This software will flood any Kahoot game online with tons of spam bots.

  • Crash and flood Games
  • Spam lobbies
  • Win Challenges
  • Hack for Quizzes and answers

And much, much more. Try it out now for free!

Kahoot flood bots 2020

With the help of Kahoot-bot.com you can flood any Kahoot quiz and spam answers that will immediately result in the crashing of the game. It is a hack that will let you get into any game and flood it only if you know the Kahoot game pin Just that. After that what you need to do is only enter the game pin and the number of bots that you want to send to the game rest will be handled by our amazing servers.

Kahoot-bot.com is not like any other website and we use methods that are not easily detectable by Kahoot’s patches that have been constantly updated. We know there are various bots in the market that are shut down because of the patch update but our bot is not like that.

We have designed our Kahoot bot generator to be updated real time with the patches that come and currently working towards its development to be sure that you won’t be disappointed in any way. In case you still get into any problem while using the bot you can always contact us anytime.


Bot Features

crash Kahoot games with a spam generator

Flood the whole room

Now the Kahoot floor works wonders in your favor as you can flood the whole room with spambots, and you have complete control over those bots making it even more fun for you.

You can choose the name of the bots and the number of bots you want; you can add as many of them in a single time as you want. Spamming makes it really easy for you to win at that game also you can view the results for most of those questions in the trivia which practically guarantees your win in the game.

Using our website, you have full control over everything that goes into that room now, you own the majority of the players and you can make them do whatever you feel like to.

Your teacher or whoever that person is that created the room will be left in shock about what is going on in the game and he will have no way of avoiding it other than shutting the whole thing down.

Now we did not create this to emasculate teachers and their efforts of teaching us but, it is rather a fun thing to try with Kahoot games and you can get a bit of a kick by trying something new and controlling the narrative for once.

Crash the entire game lobby

There are lots of things that you can do with this Kahoot flooder spam bot, for instance crashing the whole game has never been easier. Do not feel like learning or just want to teach the room administrator a lesson? Just flood the entire lobby with bots and see it crumble like pudding on a hot day.

You do not have to do anything while you are spamming the bots, just input the number of bots you want and their name sequences. If you like you can control their choices, but you do not have to, you can completely just let them make anonymous choices if you are just going to crash the whole party so it doesn’t matter what they choose is right or wrong.

You are leaving the control over the program and the program is designed by default to choose random answers making it really easy for you, all you have to do is just add enough bots to crash the Kahoot game and you will never have to see that same thing again.

The plus side of all this chaos is the amazing fact that you can use this as many times as you want, meaning you can crash that game any time you want, meaning every game room in the Kahoot is at your mercy.

Solve Quiz answers with the Kahoot hack

Don’t feel like figuring out the answers and learning the hard things? No problem we have you covered. Using our amazing hack, you can find out the answers to almost any problem there is and see the answers in the real-time on your screen where you are using our services.

This seems unsafe but we can assure you that there is no malware or any kind of virus while using our software and all we are doing is just basically extracting the answers that will be there anyways just by figuring out the right answer by peeking behind the curtain.

We are reading the program written by Kahoot and we have created a program that will filter out all the wrong answers by checking out which one is supposed to pop out or be taken correctly at the end.

This is really easy to do and there is no hacking of sorts done on the website that might result in something illegal, everything we do is safe and risk-free.

What’s Kahoot?

If you have come here then you probably know what Kahoot is, and you are just trying to have some fun with it. Kahoot is a popular learning platform designed to provide information using games that are quite trivial like trivia, code solver, and many more games included in the whole platform.

You can use it from anywhere and on any device, two people sitting at different sides of the world can still play together and have the same experience at the same time.

The way it works is pretty simple to use and that makes it very useful for teachers to make their students engage in active learning while having the fun of the occasional kahooting!

There are different rooms that can be created while using this platform and each room has its own unique pin that the administrator holds, now you can give that pin to anybody you want and they can join your room.

Now there is no set limit of the number of people allowed in on its own which makes it more fun for everyone as anyone who wants to play and learn can join in without having any worry.

Rooms created do not have a password and thus can be joined by anyone who has the unique pin which makes it easily accessible to all.

The games once created using the platform is known as “Kahoot” and can be played by anyone with no limit of people.

Why Use A Bot?

There are many reasons for you to use a bot and the most popular of it is to not solve all the difficult puzzles and learn the hard questions, this bot makes it easy for students to spam the game and favor the odds in their corner that almost makes it certain that they will win.

This is probably the most important reason why people use this bot and what makes it so popular. Spamming the bots is also done for entertainment as many people enjoy giving a hard time to someone.

One thing we can assure you is that no one is getting harmed whatsoever, a new room can be easily created and there is no extra hard work required to make the game again as all of it will be saved in the Kahoot database.

If you like controlling the room and like to be the one running everything behind the scenes, then this software is probably best suited for you. You can do whatever you want using this software inside that room, once the game has started and you also start adding the bots, you can choose if you would like to give them individual control or you want them to do whatever they want.

Once you add bots, you can separate them into groups and let a certain group choose one specific answer, whether it is right or wrong you can find out using those bots and then choose the answer you want to choose.

This is why the Kahoot flooder bot is so useful for students since they can do tryouts without really trying anything. While doing all this you have the control over what the majority of answers are chosen and you can alter the percentages and places of people in the game making it the best tool to pull pranks on your fellow peers.

Kahoot Security Bypass

There are many new security measures set in place by the Kahoot website to make sure there are no bots like 2FA (two-factor authorization) which basically means that you are required to input a code that is required to login into the room, making it really difficult for bots to go in but it can be easily broken by using brute force

Brute force in this case means using all the possible combinations of the numbers and logging into the room.

This way you can log into the room without any worry, but the extra security is hardly seen in most rooms, so you probably have nothing to worry about here.

One thing that you should keep in mind is that adding bots can take a little time if there is 2FA during the Kahoot session since trying all the possible combinations is really hard since the computer cannot interpret like our human eyes.

Is the spam bot safe?

Perhaps one of the most important questions asked by everyone who uses Kahoot spammer is the fact that whether it is safe or not. We would like to assure you that there are completely no harmful files or anything closely related to the malware in this Kahoot flooder, in fact you can use it from any device of your choice making it easily accessible to anyone from anywhere.

The way we created this amazing software makes it so easy for everyone to use it from anywhere they want, the coding is compatible with almost every OS. The software we developed does not have any sort of hidden files containing viruses or anything that would steal your confidential information and leak it on the internet.

Most websites are blocked because of their databases being filled with viruses but our website and services both are risk-free, and you can trust us while using the Kahoot flood bot. The only thing crashing will be that room you chose to wreak havoc upon and nothing else.